
David Owen

Charlotte North Carolina, Таїланд

63 роки, шукає жінку для серйозних стосунків

Про мене

I consider myself to be very honest, kind, caring, sweet, gentle, generous, easygoing, great sense of humor, extremely romantic, passionate, affectionate, sensuous, thoughtful, considerate, loyal, faithful, trustworthy, sensitive, open minded but respectful, sometimes shy depending on the situation, intelligent, funny, love to laugh but also have a serious side, understanding, I do have much patience with children but not so much for all other things, lol, basically I am an all around good person with a big heart.


Неодружений, двоє дітей.

Сiрі очі, каштанове волосся.

Зріст: 157 см, вага: 59 кг.

Освіта: вища, робота: війсковослужбовець.

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